
From hand-lettering adventures, to tutorials, to snapshots into my daily life, the Jillian Kaye Art blog has a little bit of everything.

Posts in Jillian Kaye Art
2.13.17 [#acrossthespine]

Across The Spine is my latest series of lettering pieces. There's only one criteria for each piece: the entire quote must use the spine of my sketchbook in the composition. It's a simple compositional change but it has proved so rewarding to me. The spine acts as part of the quote. It can either separate two statements or tones within a quote/lyrics or unite lettering to create unique spacing and flow. 

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the beatitudes

My church asked some artists in the congregation to create pieces for our current series, The Whole Story, as we began delving into the New Testament. I was assigned The Beatitudes. I must have read this passage dozens of times. It's fairly well-known and certainly referenced quite a bit in sermons. God is very gracious with us and knows we read and read and often do not retain or think about what we're reading. And sometimes, when we've read it for the thirty-fifth time, God tells you to slow down and listen.

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how to paint canvas shoes

Painting shoes used to be my JAM. I was always eyeing those clearance racks in search of cheap canvas shoes to paint on. Shoes are an interesting canvas - you have to be thoughtful about your composition, you get to wear your art, and you wouldn't believe the friends you can make just wearing fun shoes.

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1.18.16 [renaissance hotel]

It has been quite an exciting January already. I'm settling in to my new role at the Foundry Art Centre and just wrapped up a very fun exhibition at the Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel. Thank you to the Renaissance for featuring me and my work. I would absolutely recommend being a part of this art initiative in Saint Louis; included in this post are details for you to display your work or play your music at the Renaissance Hotel.

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Thanks to Instagram, I was reminded of the annual art-making challenge of Inktober which I have wanted to participate in since I learned about it last year. The goal: complete one ink drawing per day in October. This exercise came at the right time for me; I often get in drawing ruts and instead of fighting through it, I default to lettering and calligraphy. And as much as I love lettering and improving my handwriting skills during that evasion, I neglect drawing and those skills become rusty. And then I fear picking up a pencil or pen because I know the result will be dismal. And believe me, day one of Inktober was just that. Looking back on October, I can see improvement in different areas of my drawing, composition, and abilities, and I can also look back in my sketchbooks and look at all the ways I flopped! Here are my drawings for Inktober 2015:

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