Jillian Kaye Art

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07.20.2013 [and for my next adventure]

For the past three years, Czechs have been a big part of my life. I have traveled to the Czech Republic with the Calvary Church Prague Missions Team since 2011 and will be going again this week. For two weeks, we spend time with the greatest kids on Earth, hiking in the mountains, eating really cheap & really good ice cream, playing games, teaching English lessons, learning about God's love, and admiring God's creation in the place where Narnia was filmed. Don't believe me? Czech it. One of my specific roles, besides teaching, is leading art workshops. In the past we have done portraiture and Disney characters - this year we're gonna something a little more cartoon-oriented that involves an English element. PUMPED.

Let me tell you why I love Czechs. First off, they are not into this "let's scream because we're happy!" American crap. When they're happy, they smile. Sometimes they say "Woo!" - but for the most part, they are a somber people and I love them for it. Secondly, they are very intelligent. You know a little bit of Spanish? Whatever. They know Czech, Russian, German and English. Muy intelligente. Third, they live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world and they treat it well and are really active. 10km hikes are nothing to them, and I admire that ... from the 3km mark where my face is beet red (hey, I now know I can blame a heart problem!) and I am turning back for the chata.

Prague is a great city. Beautiful architecture, awesome history (they often threw people out of windows, it's called defenestration ), cheap & delicious fruit, great weather, gorgeous bridges and views, a super sweet metro system and was the workplace of Alphonse Mucha, WHOM I LOVE, and his handiwork (and handiwork of those influenced by him and his style) is all around the city.

Okay, let me wrap it up or I'll be here for days.  Would you please pray for us? I have a few requests.

1. Pray that we would not solely seek to be understood but to understand. The content of our lessons is a lot heavier this year as we are focusing on the world's problems (HIV/AIDS, poverty, natural disasters, war, etc) and where God is within these. It's easy to fall back on what you think is right and what is wrong. Pray we would always think before we speak. 

2. Pray for energy & good health. Beating jet lag quickly and adjusting to different plants & foods there can sometimes take a toll on us. Last year, God really pushed me to certain limits when it came to health. I learned a lot... I just don't want to learn that same lesson again. PLEASE PRAY. 

3. Pray that we would continue to develop and cultivate relationships as well as create new ones. I cannot wait to make more friends there.

Thanks, friends.